Special Notes
- Sundays at 11 AM: WOMEN's Tehillim 15 minute phone conference; dial 609-663-0583
- Women and children are invited to join Rebbetzin Baila Gitty for the weekly Shalosh Seudos in Sharzer Hall.
- If you would like CBP to add your family's or a community event to the weekly Shabbos announcements (and this website!) please Email CBP@rofehint.org with specifics.
The Rebbe, shlita, and the Congregation, extend ...
- Condolences to Mrs Nancy Axelrod on the recent loss of her mother Mrs Clare Plaut. Nancy will be sitting shiva Sunday through Tuesday, 10 AM to 10 PM, and will be getting up on Wednesday. Nancy's cell phone is 617-366-6416.