EXTRA Special Note
I apologize for the 2.5-month hiatus in detailed updating of this website. I also thank Jon Traum for his maintenance of an abbreviated version. He has been the IT guy for the website since its inception, and didn't sign up for maintaining it.When I returned from our end-of-summer routine of picking our son up from camp and visiting with family, I was dismayed to find that I could no longer access the website server. Without going into technical details, it's only since the Yom Tov season finished that I was able to straighten things out.
I"YH, I hope and intend to be back on a regular schedule again.
Special Notes
- Sundays at 11 AM: WOMEN's Tehillim 15 minute phone conference; dial 609-663-0583
- Women and children are invited to join Rebbetzin Baila Gitty for the weekly Shalosh Seudos in Sharzer Hall.
- If you would like CBP to add your family's or a community event to the weekly Shabbos announcements (and this website!) please Email CBP@rofehint.org with specifics.